Jamiebatts’s Weblog

some of my thoughts and things

All Day, Every Day March 31, 2009

Filed under: bible thoughts,family — jamiebatts @ 8:30 pm

I love my God, but with no love of mine. For I have none to give; I love thee, Lord, but all that love is thine, for by thy life I live. I am as nothing, and rejoice to be, emptied and lost and swallowed up in thee.

Madame Guyon   (1647-1717)

Love the Lord God with all your heart and soul and strength.  Deut. 6:4-9

Jesus talks about this again in Matthew 22 as the most important commandment in scripture. Moses gives the Israelites some great instruction: Write this commandment on your hands and forehead, post it on your front door and all your interior doors, and talk about it at breakfast, at work, and when you are getting ready for bed.

We want to love God and we get sidetracked too easily. All day is a time to worship. From the time we get up, on the way to school and work, on the way home, at home, at rest. There is always a time to worship and teach your children about the Creator of the universe who knows them far better than we are capable. Don’t get caught up in the craziness of life and forget God.

Be encouraged that there is One who longs for you and loves you with a passionate intensity. Protect that treasured relationship and seek God in everything, every day. Not just one hour a week. He deserves more than that.


2 Responses to “All Day, Every Day”

  1. Sandy Howard Says:

    I try to tell my Sunday school children that the Lord tells us things NOT INCASE WE NEED THE INFO, BUT BECAUSE WE WILL NEED THE INFO. This rings so true in this commandment. On another note – when we are thinking and talking about our love for Him, we can’t be doing things that cause trouble.

  2. mikebatts Says:

    I long to be the last line of the poem by the Madame. To be swallowed up in the wonderful grace and the glory of Christ is a thing for which to long. But how often other things come first in my life…

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